Week 7 Results

Men of LA              15    Late Nite Nine         1
Notrees Redwoods        8    Hubbell Malones        8
Kent Cowboys            6    Lefty's Chopped Liver 10
Fightin Kranks         12    Sand Kessells          4
Oaksdale Oaks          13    Pahloose Latreks       3
Springfield Homers     12    Ballplayers-Arlington  4
Tacoma Dawgs            4    Brazos Catfish        12
Southern Hemispheres   12    Last Resorts           4
Louisville Sluggers    12    Kitchen Sinkers        4
Connecticut Pipes       3    Terrace Thunderbirds  13
Amsterdam Ice-9         9    Mississippi Mudcats    7
Bronx Bombers          12    Arizona Gunners        4

          AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S   TTL
|Ice9 : .187 : .152 :  3 : *3 : *2.02 :*1.19 : *4 : T0 : 9-7 |
|Mudca:*.297 :*.247 : *9 :  0 :  3.83 : 1.43 :  3 : T0 : 7-9 |

         AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S     TTL
|Bombers:.275*:.235 : 7* :  1 :  3.53*: 1.30*: 3* :  3*: 12-4|
|Gunners:.260 :.245*: 3  :  3*:  5.36 : 1.49 : 1  :  0 : 4-12|

          AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S     TTL
 |Slugs: .268*: .258*:  6*:  4 :  2.72*: 1.15*:  3 :  1 : 12-4|
 |Sinks: .203 : .176 :  1 :  5*:  2.81 : 1.29 :  3 :  1 : 4-12|

         AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S     TTL
|Pipes: .189 : .183 : 7T : 1  :  4.98 : 1.71 : 3* : 0  : 3-13|
|Tbird: .317*: .226*: 7T : 5* :  3.54*: 1.16*: 2  : 5* :13-3 |

 Team    AVG    RPA   HR   SB    ERA    WHIP    W    S  Total
|Hemisph:*.325 : .283 :* 9 : * 6:* 3.71 :*1.31 :* 3 :  7 :12-4 |
|Resorts: .285 :*.291 :  6 :   2:  3.97 : 1.39 :  2 :* 8 : 4-12|

         AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S     TTL
Tacoma: .248*: .230 :  2 :  3 : 11.43 : 2.88 :  0 :  2*:    4:
Kitchn: .223 : .249*:  9*:  5*:  2.91*: 1.40*:  5*:  1 :   12:

                              AVG    RP    HR   SB  ERA    CR  W    S     TTL
|Springfield Dancing Homers: .313*: .274*: T4 : 5  : 5.59*: 1.59*:T3 : 3*: 12 |
|Ballplayers of Arlington  : .302 : .264 : T4 : 6* : 6.29 : 1.63 :T3 : 2 : 4  |

         AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S     TTL
|FKran: .320*: .227*: 3  : 2* :  3.99*: 1.13*: 5* : 2* :12-4 |
|SKess: .217 : .183 : 7* : 2* :  4.10 : 1.14 : 5* : 1  : 4-12|

         AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S     TTL
|Oaks :.287* : .293*:11* : 3# :  3.95*: 1.37*: 3* :  0 : 13-3|
|LTrks:.217  : .144 : 1  : 3# :  6.08 : 1.65 : 0  :  1*: 3-13|

         AVE     RP      HR      SB      ERA     WHIP    W       S       Total
Cowboys .209    .183    11*     3       5.36    1.36*   3*      0       6-10
Liver   .211*   .243*   8       7*      4.44*   1.50    1       3*      10-6
           AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S   TTL
 |NReds:.348* :.270* : 2 :   3 :  3.62*  :1.41* :    2 :   1 : 8-8 |
 |HMals: .271 :. 210 :  6*  : 9* : 4.34 : 1.53 :   3* :  3* :   8-8 |

Wow.  It turns out that Wells' perfect game meant a swing of 5 wins.  The
stats were generated using Kris' system, but with some very close
categories, they should be scrutinized carefully..This is one of those 
tough weeks.  It is one things to have a horrible week and only win
one game.  (See my team last week)  But to put up a pretty good week
and lose close really stings.  I'm lucky I wasn't on the other side
this time around.  Later, Eric

          AVG    RP    HR   SB    ERA    CR     W    S   TTL
|MenLA:*.277 :*.282 : *12: *1 : *2.49 :*0.81 : T5 : *4 :15-1 |
|LNine: .270 : .220 :  7 :  0 :  2.55 : 1.08 : T5 :  0 : 1-15|